Nominate a Game Developer for Game Gigs!

Do you know a talented game developer whose story deserves to be shared? Nominate them for Game Gigs, a platform celebrating the unsung heroes behind the games we love. Fill out the form below, and we'll reach out to them for a potential feature!

Thank you for your nomination! By recognizing and nominating a deserving individual, you're contributing to a community that honors creativity, collaboration, and the multifaceted nature of the game industry.

Support Game Gigs on Patreon!

By backing Game Gigs on Patreon, you're doing more than just supporting a show; you're championing the vibrant community of game developers, artists, and creative minds that fuel the gaming industry. Game Gigs is dedicated to uncovering the stories behind the games we love, highlighting the incredible talent and collaboration that goes into every pixel and line of code.

Your support helps us continue this exploration, enabling us to create inspiring content, bridge the digital divide, and empower future generations of innovators. Whether you're a gamer, a developer, an educator, or simply someone curious about the magic behind the games, your contribution on Patreon makes you a vital part of our mission.

Join us today, and let's create, celebrate, and innovate together!